Doing Business with SHA
Thank you for your interest in doing business with SHA. As specified in the SHA Procurement Policy, SHA ensures an efficient and equitable management of solicitations in an open, fair and competitive manner for a wide variety of services including: legal, audit, architectural & engineering, construction, landscaping, painting, etc. SHA actively outreaches to Section 3 Business Concerns, Small Business Enterprises (SBE), Minority Business Enterprises (MBE), and Women Business Enterprises (WBE) in our solicitations.
Getting Registered
SHA depends on vendors and contractors to provide essential services to our residents and to carry out our mission. We truly appreciate our vendors and always welcome new vendors who wish to compete for contracts. SHA utilizes an on-line procurement system. Please go to this site to register so that you will automatically be notified of when SHA issues requests for proposals, bids or qualifications. Once there, you can “Register your company.” You will then go to a page to create an account and then please follow the instructions. If you’re already registered click the link to log in and view current solicitation requests.
Subcontractor Form
Bid Protest/Appeal Process
For procurement contracts under $100,000, SHA shall follow an informal bid protest/appeal procedure. Under these procedures, the bidder/contractor may request to meet with the Contracting Officer. For procurements over $100,000, a formal appeals procedure shall be followed. Any actual or prospective contractor may protest the solicitation or award of a contract for serious violations of the principals of SHA’s Procurement Policy. Any protest against a solicitation must be received before the due date for the receipt of bids or proposals. Any protest against the award of a contract must be received within ten (10) calendar days after the bidder/contractor receives notice of award or the protest shall not be considered. All bid protests shall be in writing and submitted to the Contracting Officer, who shall issue a written decision on the matter. The Contracting Officer may, at his/her discretion, suspend the procurement pending resolution of the protest.
Current Procurements
Bertha Mitchell HVAC, HWH, Electrical Panel Upgrades, Exterior Doors, Bathrooms and Kitchen Cabinets Upgrades
- Access
- Log in or Click on the link to register your company.
- On the following page, Type in the name of your company to see if it is already listed, if not click on Create a New One.
- Problems accessing system or registering? Call customer support, 1-866-526-9266.
FYI, the above noted IFB is listed under the following "Main Service Category" within the Internet system: " Construction, Maintenance, Support and Repair Services." For questions regarding the IFB, please submit via the e-procurement site.
Sarasota Housing Authority
1912 N. Orange Ave.
Sarasota, FL 34234
Sarasota Housing Authority
269 S. Osprey Ave., 2nd Floor
Sarasota, FL 34236